Benedict Cumberbatch

A: The voice actor gets more credit than the artist. As much as I adore beautiful celebrities, no wonder artists don’t make any money. Its the industry itself.

M: I think its also about being known. Then you have got guys like that Cumberland guy… what’s his name?

A: Benedict Cumberbatch?

M: Yea, he’s so bad looking!

A: What I think he’s adorable. Do you know what he said? He said in an interview on the top list of 100 sexies men, he’s like ‘I look like a horse!’ And he just outright mentions he looks like a horse faced person.

M: Cos I read the beady eyed ferrit reference in an article.

A: What their not beady eyes! They are glowing orbs. But dude have you seen his parents though? They are both really traditionally, lovely beautiful people.

M: Well have you watched any of his shows or movies?

A: Yea yea

M: I have never watched a single one of his and I think if I started watching his stuff I’m sure I would have the same perception as you. But I have not watched a single one of his shows, so this is my ‘virgin’  appearance check on him. I think this happens alot. You start talking to someone or seeing them a lot and then all of a sudden you start liking them.

A: He is a very charming and clever man. He’s a very smart man. They were like, ‘Do you know what they call your fans?’ and he’s like ‘yea I’ve heard…’

M: What?

A: Cumber-bitches. And he’s like ‘Well we’ve taken a couple of steps back for you know feminisim and sexism wise so maybe like Cumber-babes or something’. He was trying to make it better . But I think he is a very smart. eloquently dressed man.

M: But have you seen his smile? It’s horrible!

A: It’s endearing! Cos it’s so wide.

M: It’s like his face is in massive pain

A: His chin is all squashed up, its adorable and he has four chins!!
But I think people come around to him after a while. He’s so big right now. It’s his voice man

” He has like 4 chins when he smiles “

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